UPbeat News11/25/1999

11/25 - If Fr. Ray Hoefgen, who gave the sermon at the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service, had his way he would reverse the tradition of only one day for Thanksgiving and 364 for griping and complaining. Even when he added he might make exceptions for a few people of up to a maximum of one week for griping and complaining the reaction was heavy on snickers and giggles and very light on "Amen." There was a serious side to his sermon too, of course, and to the prayers and comments of the pastors from 7 other area churches. And the music was varied and of concert quality. The Guitar Group from the Catholic Church opened with some lively hymns. The 30-member Menominee County Choir featured the smooth harmony of a blending of voices, and the Moravian Handbell Choir added their special sound of bells and voices. But, even with all that, perhaps the best sound of all was when everyone present joined voices on hymns like "How Great Thou Art" accompanied by Gert Salp on the organ. We have much to be thankful for.

11/25 - The day before Thanksgiving is mostly about fun and food for Stephenson 5th graders. A program started about l0 years ago to re-enact the first Thanksgiving has become a tradition, with students spending the day learning crafts and enjoying a feast of favorite dishes from each student's family. The meal, served at l o'clock, usually features many interesting and varied etchnic specialties. The craft projects take place in the morning with each student allowed to participate in three programs out of the nine offered UNLESS... they don't have their school assignments completed. Cecile Lenca, one of the teachers in charge, said enforcing that rule is probably harder on the teachers than the students! This year only 3 of the 76 didn't qualify. But IF they got their assignments done by noon they could participate in the feast portion of the celebration.

One group of students were making turkeys out of wooden pieces provided by parent volunteer instructor Judy Weaver ("I sawed 30 bodies and 60 legs"). They drew faces on them, added the legs and some brightly colored construction paper tail feathers. They looked good, but not quite good enough to eat, even though Hailey D. claimed they were going to cook them. Amber S. wanted me to know the leather craft session "is reallly, really, cool" and Alicia V., celebrating her l0th birthday, had similar praise for making bookmarks.

11/20 - The Daggett and Stephenson Volunteer Fire Departments were called to a house fire on French Street in 'Dogtown' east of Daggett at about 10 o'clock last night. The house, owned by Rob Dabney of Dabney's Rental Properties of Marinette, was a total loss but there were no injuries. Cami Salo, who has lived there for about a year, was not at home when the fire started. Dan Gaudes, a member of the Daggett Fire Dept. was the first to notice it as he drove past. Russ MacDonald and several other Daggett firemen were on the scene this morning spraying water on the still smoldering rubble. They said the fire started in the southeast corner of the building and noted that the furnace and water heater were in that area.

11/20 - The SHS class of 1960 met Friday night at the American Legion Club to make plans for their 40- year reunion on July lst at North Shore Country Club. All indications are it will be an enjoyable event. For example, they decided Ron Corey would be in charge of prizes and should come up with something a little more creative than who travelled the farthest or who has the most kids. Sharon Kakuk Thoney said "We've got to get Ron to one of these meetings. How about we have the next meeting at his house!" Bob Palzewicz will be in charge of music, although he may not know it yet. Mary Halverson and Joanne Dill Wirhanowicz will take care of centerpieces for the tables. (They know it because they were there.) Edwina Anderson Wandersee , who announced she had a 'new' granddaughter, and Carol Eland Sandahl will help address the first mailing to go out in early January.

11/19 - New things are happening at the YMCA in Menominee. Ann Derusha-Holmquist and Bonnie Payne gave women free l0-minute massages on Thursday to introduce a program offering l/2 hour or l hour massages at the 'Y' on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Massage therapy is useful in treating arthritis, headaches, insomnia and other problems. The sample treatments concentrated on the neck, shoulders and back areas. Another new program starting in December is a series of 5 classes in Line Dancing. Instructors are members of the North Country Kickers, a local line dancing group. Registration is required.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please take a minute to write H. Barb Upton.

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