UPbeat NewsNOVEMBER 2000

11/28/00 - A message from an east coast reader:
They like to say "the Pack is Back"
But winning games they're known to lack
It goes to say without a doubt
Carolina blew the pack plumb out.
Reggie White was mean as a snake
Vengence on the Pack he really did take
The plane ride home will be mighty long
It's doubtful friend theyll be met by song.
Go on back to the land of ice and snow
Where the temp will soon be 40 below
Eat those cheeseheads breakfast, lunch and dinner
Maybe the next game they'll come out a winner


11/23/00 - Local people who are tired of vote recounts and dimpled chads have been exchanging views on the pros and cons of the annual series of photos of dead deer in our county newspaper. There are strong feelings on both sides. Maybe by this time next year, when there is no national election to worry about, some Yooper will be awarded grant money to do a survey on whether people really study these photos. Like, does anyone count the points on each animal? In all the years of seeing these photos I cannot recall a letter to the editor saying, "Josh Neece's buck only had 9 points that I could see, and a buck with a neck as thick as the one Matt Schmidt shot would weigh well over 185 pounds." I'll bet if they used the same animal in every picture, photographing from slightly different angles, few people would notice, or care. Probably not even most of the hunters. All they want is proof they did more than just eat, drink and party. They actually went out and shot a deer. Most of the deer in the U.P., like many of the people. are probably related anyway, so naturally they will look a lot alike. Hunters, like fisherman, are good at saying those kinds of things convincingly.

11/18/00 - There is snow on the ground. The deer hunters are happy...and successful, and proud, if the variety of pickup trucks by the Journal office waiting to have their pictures taken the last couple of mornings is any indication.

Most local businesses cater to hunters with sales of clothing, equipment, bait and camp supplies at this time of year. A local florist took a different approach with a sign reminding hunters "don't forget your dear at home," hinting that a lot of women would probably prefer to have them bring home a plant or bouquet of flowers, rather than a dead animal.

The Daggett Moravian Church has a busy December schedule, according to Carol Adams. They'll be decorating the church at 9 am Dec. 2nd. The Bell and Vocal Choir will perform at 2 pm on Dec. 3rd. The Sunday School will have their concert during the 10:30 am service on Dec. 10th, and there will be a Candlelight Service at 7 pm on Dec. 24th.

11/14/00 - November Horoscope (for the not-too-serious minded): If you just try to remember that eight people will do ten people's work better than twelve people can, and act accordingly, life will be a breeze.

11/14/00 - Happy first day of snow - which, if it stays on the ground, will make a lot of hunters happy on the first day of deer hunting season tomorrow.

11/13/00 - The Friends of the Library met last Thursday afternoon. They reviewed the successes of the past few months - the Weekend With Friends and book sales - and came up with suggestions and ideas for projects and improvements to work on in the coming year. They have received enough donations to be able to order the 40 new chairs needed to replace the rather beat up and not-too-comfortable ones currently in use. They also welcomed some enthusiastic new members from the Cedar River area.

11/13/00 - By this time next year do you suppose someone will come up with decorative lights in the shape of deer antlers so all the hunters and their supporters can decorate their homes and yards for the gun deer hunting season. It starts Wednesday and already there seem to be more hunters around than there were trick-or-treaters for Halloween. There was a pickup truck parked on the main street of town early this evening with a really neat camouflage design on it. Will there be 10 or 15 just like it next year?

11/10/00 - Theresa Nelson and Mary Anderla had good suggestions for organizing the Triad group at the November meeting in Daggett on Thursday. Nelson suggested several ways for the group to get involved in helpful community activities. There is grant money available but she listed some of the requirements that need to be met to qualify. Involvement by other public and private agencies is a must, both to qualify for grants and to coordinate activities.

Anderla emphasized the need for mid and long-term goals for the group and for providing information to area seniors encouraging them to get involved. She expressed concern that the group may fizzle out unless other activities are planned. The File of Life program will continue with plans for volunteers to provide assistance in filling out the forms at the Daggett and Menominee Senior Centers in December. No other activites or programs are schedule at this time. The next meeting will be at the Menominee Center on December 13th.

11/6/00 - Almost 11/7 - Wow! That was real Packer showmanship!

11/6/00 - It was politics as usual at last Thrusday night's City Council meeting. In Stephenson that's good. It means council members and residents talk out their differences and then work together to solve problems. The current problem was how to regulate snowmobile use in the cilty, and where to allow them to go without antagonizing the railroad or the riders. Sixteen people were present for the public hearing on the subject. Tempers flared a bit at the start but it took only a few minutes to get people relaxed and cooperating on finding a solution. Merrill and Dale Walcher, Bob McGuire, and several others agreed to meet with Dale Parrett on Sunday to mark the agreed on designated trail through town. The snowmobilers also promised to do what they can to see that riders observe the 25 mph speed limit in the city.

During the regular monthly meeting the Council accepted, with regret, the resignation of Police Chief Wayne Coleman, effection November 15, and moved to appoint officer Aaron Ihander to Acting Police Chief effective November 16.

Plans are also underway to post signs along U.S. 41 at the north and south city limits in recognition of the Stephenson High School Girls' Cross Country Team completing a third year as Upper Peninsula champions.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please take a minute to write H. Barb Upton.

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