UPbeat News10/7/1999

10/7 - A sign on the wall at the Mid-County Senior Center in Daggett probably speaks for users of senior centers everywhere - "Happiness is yelling BINGO!"

10/7 - The water system improvement project was the main topic of discussion during the public participation portion of the October 7 meeting of the Stephenson City Council. Residents complained of problems with dust, low water pressure, poor drainage and drivers using gravelled streets like race courses.

The project to upgrade the water system started in late Aug. and is expected to be completed by Nov. 20, as scheduled. Many streets were torn up and need to be repaved. Whether the weather will cooperate is now the primary concern.

Mayor Pete Getzen received a $200 contribution for the playground equipment fund from Dale Parrett. The money was raised at a concession stand at the Last Chance Softball Tournament in Erickson Park in September.

l0/6 - Last "Where Was I" clue: The word "God" was heard often - especially when it was necessary to deal with serious breathing problems. If you are the first one to send me the correct, I will put your name on this page with the correct answer.

10/6 - A sign on the wall in the Library at Stephenson Elementary Shool says "Attitude is the mind's paintbrush. It can color any situation." That paintbrush produced very positive colors at the school, which serves 229 fourth to sixth graders.

The annual report for the 98/99 season, presented by 6th grade teacher Mary Houle and principal Scott Snyder Wed. night, showed local students compared favorably with others in the state and country on achievement and education assessment tests. The fact that 93% of parents attended parent-teacher conferences in Nov. of '98 is further proof of an attitude of interest and cooperation between parents, teachers and students. The reports for the district's Daggett and Wallace elementary schools show similar results.

10/2 - "Where Was I" clue for the day: One young, energetic participant did a lot of waving and bouncing to get attention. It worked.

10/2 - The library in Stephenson has a unique fall display done by employee Sally Harris. She used cattails and branches with colored leaves, set in holes drilled in chunks of birch, for height. Pumpkins, gourds, frogs, squash, acorns, and leaves around and on other pieces of birch spread on a gold carpet just inside the front door. Check it out. There are also some interesting books on the 'new books' rack. Check that too. Kids would enjoy the Yo-Yo book to learn about 'yo-ing.' When they learn a few of the many tricks described they can call themselves 'yoers.' Really.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please take a minute to write H. Barb Upton.

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