CITY GOVERNMENT - Mendon, Michigan

Phone: (616) 496-4395
Address: 325 W State St, PO Box 146
Mendon, Michigan 49072-0146
Fax: (616) 496-8391

Population 920 -
Sq. Miles 0.85 -
Form Govt.General Law Village -
Meeting 2nd & 4th Mon, 7:30pm -
County Saint Joseph -
U.S. Rep Frederick Upton (6) -
State Sen Dale Shugars (21) -
State Rep Glenn Oxender (59) -
President Betty Fries -
Council Dwight Ames, Mary Holliday, Maurice Kline Mason Meyer, Donald Pangle, Bob Sedam
Clerk Betty Jo Friel -
Attorney Theodore Tucker 273-1685
Treasurer Joan Brundige -
Assessor Judy Smoker 467-6361
Fire Chief William Batten -
Police Chief Doug Kuhlman -
Emer Mgmt William Batten -
Bldg Insp William Spealman -
DDA Mason Meyer 788-4060
Econ Dev Maurice Kline, Jr -
Pub Works Maurice Kline, Sr -
Streets Vacancy -
Elec Util William Thompson -
Water Dwight Ames -
Parks & Rec Donald Pangle -
Personnel Robert Sedam -
Civil Serv William Batten - is not connected or affiliated with any city, county, village, or township. We provide as much community information as we can but have no official connection to this community. If you have any current information that would help this site write to [email protected]

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This page was last updated March 12th, 1996
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