CITY GOVERNMENT - Peck, Michigan

Phone (810) 378-5131
Address: 30 E Lapear St PO Box 317
Peck, Michigan 48466-0317
Fax: (810) 378-5155

Population 558-
Sq. Miles 1-
Form Govt. General Law Village-
Meeting 3rd Wed, 7:00 pm -
County Sanilac -
U.S. Rep James Barcia (5) -
State Sen Dan DeGrow (27) -
State Rep Kim Rhead (83) -
President John Cook-
Council James Barron, Jean Burns, Richard Huntington Lowell Kusarow, Marvin Longuski, Robert Williams
Clerk Bernice Williams 378-5252
Attorney Anthony Sykora 648-3403
Treasurer Sheryl Ernst 378-5502
Assessor Lilia Cook 378-5588
Police Chief Richard Woodruff 378-5749
Zoning Jean Bums 378-5321
Pub Works Larry Cook -
Streets Marvin Longuski 378-5423
Parks Lowell Kussrow 378-5423
Public Info Jackie Woodruff - is not connected or affiliated with any city, county, village, or township. We provide as much community information as we can but have no official connection to this community. If you have any current information that would help this site write to [email protected]

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This page was last updated March 12th, 1996
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