CITY GOVERNMENT - Kent City, Michigan

Phone: (616) 678-7232
Address: 83 Spring St, PO Box 296
Kent City, Michigan 49330-0296
Fax: (616) 678-4256

Population 899 -
Sq. Miles 4.53 -
Form Govt. General Law Village w/Mgr -
Meeting 2nd Mon, 7:00pm -
County Kent -
U.S. Rep Vernon Enlers (3) -
State Sen Richard Posthumus (31) -
State Rep Ken Sikkema (74) -
President Morrie Seites 678-4523
Council Edward Afton, Roger Coalter, Robert Geers Greg Goss, Tom Pieper, Ted Shepardson
Manager Vacancy -
Clerk Mary Portell -
Attorney Thomas Anderson, Jr 696-1930
Treasurer Harvey Stebbins -
Assessor Thomas West 678-5885
Fire Chief Ray Rexford 678-7734
Pub Safety Vacancy -
Bldg Insp Casey Patterson 678-4779
Engineer Prein & Newhof 364-8491
Planning Vacancy -
Zoning Casey Patterson 678-4779
DDA Morrie Seites 678-4523
Econ Dev Richard Edgar 678-5911
Pub Works Mark Mortensen -
Stormwater Vacancy -
Streets Vacancy -
Parks & Rec Vacancy - is not connected or affiliated with any city, county, village, or township. We provide as much community information as we can but have no official connection to this community. If you have any current information that would help this site write to [email protected]

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This page was last updated March 12th, 1996
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